Tips for Keeping Your Braces Clean

So you’ve finally gotten your braces— now how exactly do you keep these things clean? At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we know your treatment is far from over once you get your braces. Today, we’ll lay out a comprehensive guide with tips for keeping your braces clean.

Unpacking the Components

Metal and ceramic braces comprise several essential components. It’s crucial to grasp their functions for practicing adequate care.

  • Brackets: These are affixed to your teeth and crafted from either metal or ceramic material, as determined during our consultation.
  • Wires: These wires serve as the mechanism for exerting force to realign your teeth, and they interconnect the entire structure.
  • Bands: These aid in securing the wires to the brackets. When you observe individuals with colorful braces, you’re actually noticing colorful bands.

How to Clean Your Braces

Dr. Sabelis, like all orthodontists, advises patients with braces to maintain a kit containing essential tools for cleaning their braces at certain intervals throughout the day. These kits typically include items such as:

  • Soft-Bristle Toothbrush
  • Orthodontic Wax
  • Floss Threader
  • Fluoride Mouthwash
  • Compact Mirror
  • Interdental Brush

Now that we’ve discussed the necessary tools, let’s review how to effectively utilize them! While completing every step on this list may not be feasible for every cleaning session, adhering to these guidelines remains crucial. The primary objective of cleaning is to eradicate bacteria, the primary culprit behind decay when left unchecked.

  • Start with a Rinse: Start the cleaning process by rinsing with water to eliminate any loose debris.
  • Brush Thoroughly: Utilize the same brush to meticulously clean between brackets and wires. Glide the brush in and out between each bracket to remove food particles and plaque.
  • Clean Between Brackets: Utilize the same brush to meticulously clean between brackets and wires. Glide the brush in and out between each bracket to remove food particles and plaque.
  • Floss with Threader/Orthodontic Floss: Carefully thread the floss through the brackets and wires using a floss threader or orthodontic floss. Floss between each tooth for thorough cleaning.
  • Water Flosser: Consider integrating a water flosser into your routine for effective debris removal from hard-to-reach areas. Water flossers are particularly beneficial for individuals with braces, as they efficiently cover extensive areas.
  • Fluoride Mouthwash: Conclude your oral care regimen by gargling with fluoride mouthwash. Choose an alcohol-free variant to prevent irritation. Swish the mouthwash for approximately 30 seconds before spitting it out, ensuring no ingestion.
  • Check for Debris: Use a small mirror to inspect for any remaining debris or areas needing attention.
  • Orthodontic Wax: If brackets or wires cause gum irritation, apply orthodontic wax as a protective barrier against sharp edges.

Tips for Keeping Your Braces Clean

How to Care for Your Braces

However, cleaning is only the beginning! There are numerous additional ways to care for your braces. Adopting positive habits and avoiding negative ones can significantly enhance your overall experience. Let’s discuss some of the beneficial practices:

  • Oral Hygiene: We’re emphasizing this once more for good measure! It’s the cornerstone of caring for any orthodontic appliance, particularly a full set of braces. Failure to maintain proper hygiene can lead to various issues.
  • Avoid Certain Foods: Braces represent an investment, and safeguarding them from damage is paramount. Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods like popcorn, toffee, or gum, as they can cause damage to your braces’ components and become lodged between them.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Your treatment plan requires scheduled visits to our office for assessment and addressing any concerns. Aim to attend every appointment and continue attending routine cleanings with your general dentist.
  • Follow the Rules: Dr. Sabelis will provide specific care instructions as part of your treatment plan—adhere to these instructions diligently.
  • Wear a Mouthguard: Sports enthusiasts should prioritize additional protection. A custom mouthguard offers optimal tooth protection against impact.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, particularly after consuming sugary or acidic foods, to flush away particles and prevent decay.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: Nutrient-rich foods contribute to overall oral and bodily health.
  • Emergency Kit: Simplify your cleaning essentials to some orthodontic floss, a compact toothbrush and mirror, and orthodontic wax, even when traveling light.

Tips for Keeping Your Braces Clean

Service You Can Count On

We take great pride in serving the Sturbridge community and offering braces to patients of all ages. While braces may seem like a significant undertaking, the end results are always worthwhile! You can reach our office at (508) 347-7540 for a free consultation.

Why Invisalign for Teens Is Best

Teenagers and braces often seem to be connected in people’s minds—but there’s another option that often gets overlooked. Sturbridge Orthodontics is excited to tell you why Invisalign for teens is the best!

How They Work

Before we cover what makes Invisalign for teens special, let’s go over what the typical process for treatment looks like. 

  • Initial Consult: Your journey begins with a consultation at our office with Dr. Sabelis or Dr. Tiberii. During this appointment, you’ll discuss your goals and concerns and assess if clear aligner treatment is suitable for you.
  • Digital Scanning:  Utilizing state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology, we’ll create a precise digital model of your teeth.
  • Treatment Plan: Based on the digital model, we’ll craft a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and desired results. This plan will outline the necessary teeth movements and determine the number of aligners required.
  • Fabrication: Following your treatment plan, a series of custom-made aligners will be crafted for you. Each aligner is meticulously designed to gradually shift your teeth into their ideal positions.
  • Fitting: At your fitting appointment in our office, you’ll receive your first set of aligners. We’ll ensure they fit comfortably and provide comprehensive instructions on their proper care and usage.
  • Wearing the Aligners: You’ll wear each set of aligners for approximately 1-2 weeks, as prescribed by our team. This allows your teeth to steadily progress towards their desired alignment.
  • Progress Checkups: Throughout your treatment journey, you’ll attend scheduled checkup appointments with us to monitor your progress. Additional aligners will be provided as necessary to continue advancing your treatment.
  • Refinements: In certain cases, refinements may be required to fine-tune your results. If needed, we’ll create additional sets of aligners to address any remaining tooth movements.
  • Retention: Upon completing your treatment, you’ll transition to wearing retainers to maintain the newfound alignment of your teeth and prevent any potential shifting. Consistent retainer wear is vital for long-term success and preserving your smile’s new position.

Benefits of Invisalign for Teens

There are lots of advantages to this method of treatment for teenage patients. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: One of the main reasons that anyone opts for Invisalign is the fact that it’s hard to see—in fact, almost invisible! But for teens, this can be even more meaningful. Social standards can be different and appearance is often important. Gaining self-esteem during this period can be fundamental to overall growth and development.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are custom-fitted to the wearer’s mouth, providing a high level of comfort. Additionally, their removable nature allows for easy removal in uncomfortable or risky situations.
  • Dietary Freedom: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing patients to enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions. Simply remove the aligners before eating, but remember to maintain proper oral hygiene afterward.
  • Convenient Maintenance: Invisalign aligners can be easily removed for brushing and flossing, simplifying oral care routines. Additionally, they require fewer office visits compared to traditional braces, reducing the need for frequent adjustments.
    • Predictable Results: The use of Invisalign for treatment means that there’s a straightforward, visible method for alignment. The digital technology being used ensures teens can visualize their treatment progress in real time, which can help to provide motivation and encouragement throughout the process.

    Why Invisalign for Teens Is Best


    Here are a few other answers that might help out parents and teens alike who are interested in this form of treatment!

    Q: Can I still play sports and instruments?
    Yes! That’s one of the huge benefits of this method. They can take them out for a little while each day—as long as they still keep them in at least 20-22. 

    Q: How long will treatment last?
    This depends heavily on the condition of the patient, as well as their own individual goals. On average, it’ll take anywhere from 12 to 18 months, but this timeline can be shorter or longer based on other circumstances.

    Q: Will the aligners affect my speech?
    Potentially, especially at first! However, practicing speaking typically eradicates this issue over time. Most people adapt quickly within a short period.

    Q: Can I whiten my teeth with Invisalign for teens?
    Yes, since they’re removable. But be sure to follow any additional guidelines we provide you during whitening treatment.

    Why Invisalign for Teens Is Best

    Too Cool for School

    We hope this blog makes you excited to start this unique form of treatment! Our team is so thrilled to be able to offer this form made especially for teenagers. To schedule your consultation, give our Sturbridge office a call at (508) 347-7540 or book online.

    Tips for Invisalign Treatment

    Several treatment options are available for aligning your teeth, with one standing out for its subtlety, simplicity, and effectiveness. Today, the Sturbridge Orthodontics team will give you tips for Invisalign treatment.

    What is Invisalign?

    Invisalign serves as a widely favored alternative to traditional braces, which are characterized by brackets and wires. Consisting of clear plastic aligners, Invisalign gradually adjusts your teeth by employing subtly different sets over time. A notable feature is their removability, permitting cleaning between meals. They are typically worn for most hours of the day.

    We offer both Invisalign First for kids and Invisalign Teen for adolescents.

    The Process

    This is a highly bespoke process for everyone in terms of fit, but treatment consists of the same steps for everyone. 

    • Consultation: Dr. Sabelis or Dr. Tiberii will evaluate your dental condition to determine if Invisalign is a suitable treatment option. During this consultation, pricing and the expected duration of the treatment will be discussed.
    • Treatment Plan: If you decide to proceed with Invisalign, the initial step involves taking detailed digital scans of your teeth using advanced 3D imaging technology.
    • Custom Aligners: The 3D digital scans are utilized to create a series of custom-made aligners tailored specifically to your smile. Each subsequent set is crafted to gradually shift your teeth.
    • Wearing Your Aligners: Typically, each set is worn for about two weeks, as directed by our team. You can remove them for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.
    • Regular Check-Ups: Regular check-ups with our office are essential components of your treatment. During these appointments, we monitor your progress and provide you with the next set of aligners. Additionally, any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan will be made as needed.
    • Treatment Progress: Following our guidelines, you’ll wear your series of aligners for a specified period, which can vary from several months to a couple of years, depending on the condition of your teeth.
    • Completion of Treatment: Upon completing your final set, we will provide you with a retainer to help maintain your results over time.


    Tips for Invisalign Treatment

    Tips for Invisalign

    Embarking on any orthodontic treatment requires a commitment over time. The outcome largely depends on your diligence with your routine and oral health. Here are some crucial tips to assist you.

    • Follow Wear Guidelines: Adhere to the schedule provided by your doctor, ensuring that the aligners are worn for 20-22 hours a day for optimal results.
    • Consistent Wear Times: Maintain a consistent daily wear time to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment. Prolonged removal of aligners can impede progress. While it may be tempting to take them out, remember that the goal is to complete your treatment successfully and on time.
    • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Remove aligners before consuming anything other than water to prevent staining. Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting the aligners to uphold good oral hygiene.
    • Aligner Care: Regularly clean your aligners using a soft toothbrush and antimicrobial mouthwash or specialized retainer/aligner cleaning crystals. Avoid using hot water, as it can deform the aligners.
    • Store Aligners Safely: When not in use, store aligners in their protective case to keep track of them and maintain cleanliness.
    • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially when you’re wearing aligners, to prevent dry mouth and reduce the risk of bacterial buildup.
    • Attend Regular Check-Ups: Attend all scheduled check-ups with your general dentist and our team to monitor progress and stay on track with your treatment.
    • Communicate with Your Provider: Effective communication is crucial throughout your orthodontic treatment. If you encounter any issues or concerns during your Invisalign treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our offices. We can offer guidance and make adjustments as needed.

    Keep in mind that a successful treatment demands commitment and diligence! Establishing and sticking to a routine will enable your appliance to effectively do its job and guide you to a successful conclusion!


    A Word of Warning!
    Now that we’ve given you these tips, let’s go over a couple of things to avoid doing:

    • Smoking: This obviously applies more to adults and some teens, but quitting smoking during treatment or consistently removing aligners beforehand is strongly recommended, as smoking can significantly stain your aligners—not to mention how it harms you on multiple levels.
    • Neglecting Oral Hygiene: Failing to floss and brush before reinserting your aligners can lead to the formation of bad breath, bacteria, plaque, and cavities. 
    • Ignoring Discomfort: If you encounter discomfort and sharp edges with a set of aligners, make sure to address it promptly. It can lead to soreness and slow down your progress.

    Tips for Invisalign Treatment

    Making the Commitment

    With extensive experience in the Invisalign process, we are delighted to assist you throughout your journey. Successful orthodontic treatment involves close collaboration between our patients and our team. Feel free to ask any questions; we are here to help! If you’re considering this fantastic treatment, reach out to our Sturbridge office at (508) 347-7540.

    Why Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist by Age Seven

    If you’ve had orthodontic treatment in your life, we’re curious: Can you remember how old you were when you visited an orthodontist for the first time? Orthodontics is for people of all ages, but today, our Sturbridge Orthodontics team wants to tell you why your child needs to see an orthodontist by age seven, if at all possible!

    The Magic Number

    Typically, a child is referred to us for an initial evaluation by Dr. Sabelis or Dr. Tiberii by their general dentist around age seven. This is recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). But there are times when even earlier intervention is necessary if they’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, for example:

    • Early loss of primary teeth
    • Overbites
    • Underbites
    • Crossbites
    • Thumb-sucking after age five
    • Pacifier use
    • Spacing
    • Crowding

    These are all valid reasons to visit our office! But why is seven such a key number?

    A Turning Point

    There are actually a number of reasons this age is so heavily emphasized as a deadline of sorts for initial consultation—many of them simply being the timeline on which our bodies develop.

    • Early Detection of Issues: By the age of seven, a child’s permanent teeth are beginning to emerge. This is an ideal stage for us to detect potential orthodontic issues and hopefully catch them before they develop into something more serious.
    • Guidance of Jaw Growth: Our doctors are able to assess the growth of the jaw and identify potential discrepancies. Anatomically speaking, it’s easier to help this manner of issue earlier in life.
    • Spacing: An early evaluation helps in assessing the space available for permanent teeth, showing us crowding or spacing problems.
    • Detection of Habits: Certain habits, like thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting, can impact dental development. If we can assess the behaviors early on, we can work with parents to try and absolve them. 
    • Preventative Measures: Addressing early issues prevents the development of more severe conditions. Our goal is always to try and avoid extensive, invasive treatment if we’re able to.
    • Improved Confidence: When a child has early orthodontic treatment, their self-esteem can be positively impacted as they grow up.

    Why Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist by Age Seven

    Two-Phase Treatment

    Of course, our chosen course of treatment will depend on each individual child—but something called Two-Phase Treatment is an option unique to our youngest patients. This method can be preventative or interceptive.

    • Phase One: This process sets the stage for a full set of braces. Typically, it involves baby teeth, resolving issues with spacing and crowding in the mouth to provide adequate room for alignment. It can also focus on the alignment of the jaw being corrected.
    • Phase Two: Once the mouth has been prepared and all permanent teeth have erupted around ages eleven or twelve, we’ll commence with a long-term appliance like traditional braces or clear aligners. They’ll wear these until we achieve our desired results. 

    The key to this process is that transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth, or catching the permanent teeth around when they first appear.

    Other FAQs

    • Does every child need braces?
        • No, they all don’t. Many children don’t require our intervention—but many, many do! It’s important to know as soon as possible. As we said, we proudly treat teenagers and adults, as well as pediatric patients. But generally speaking, earlier treatment is easier for all involved. 
    • How long does orthodontic treatment for children typically last?
        • This can vary quite a bit; it depends on the complexity of the case. Treatment will last anywhere from several months to a few years.
    • Do braces hurt?
        • Braces don’t hurt so much as cause some discomfort at first. It’s a big change for kids in particular. Over-the-counter pain relief is often recommended in the earliest stages of braces. There’s also always a possibility of wires being abrasive to gums. Orthodontic wax can help to provide a barrier. 
    • Can children play sports with braces?
        • Yes—but they must wear a mouthguard. Failing to do so puts not only the appliance but also a child’s teeth at risk of damage. If they are dealing with bite issues that involve any sort of protrusion of teeth or the jaw, this is particularly risky.
    • How often should a child visit the orthodontist during treatment?
        • Regular appointments are typically scheduled every four to six weeks for adjustments and progress assessments. We maintain regular communication with all of our patients during their treatment. These aren’t really optional visits; it’s very important that you and your child stick to the schedule so that everything moves along as planned.

    Why Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist by Age Seven

    Making Moves

    Hopefully, we’ve cleared up the reasoning behind this common guideline! We take such pride in helping set up kids with beautiful smiles. If you’re in the Sturbridge neighborhood and planning orthodontic treatment for your child, we are happy to help! You can reach our office at (508) 347-7540.

    Self-Ligating Braces – Understanding Treatment Duration, Benefits, and What to Expect

    Welcome to the world of orthodontics, where advancements in technology continually shape the landscape of dental care. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment to achieve that perfect smile, you’ve likely come across the term “self-ligating braces.” In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the concept behind self-ligating braces, explore the benefits that set them apart from traditional braces, and provide insights into what to expect during treatment. Whether you’re a prospective patient or simply curious about the latest in orthodontic care, read on to gain a deeper understanding of self-ligating braces.

    What are Self-Ligating Braces?

    Orthodontic innovation has brought us self-ligating braces, a modern alternative to traditional braces. Unlike their conventional counterparts, self-ligating braces incorporate a built-in clip mechanism that eliminates the need for elastic bands or metal ties to hold the wires in place.

    The fundamental difference lies in the way these braces handle the archwire. In traditional braces, elastic bands secure the archwire to the brackets, which can create friction and slow down the movement of teeth. On the other hand, self-ligating braces use a sliding mechanism that allows the archwire to move freely. This innovative approach facilitates a more efficient and comfortable orthodontic experience.

    How Long Do You Have to Wear Braces When You Get Them?

    One of the first questions on the minds of those considering orthodontic treatment is the duration they’ll need to wear braces. The length of time varies depending on several factors, including the case’s complexity, the patient’s age, and individual oral health. The average treatment duration of self-ligating braces is potentially shorter than traditional braces and includes various advantages.

    It’s essential to note that each patient’s experience is unique, and the best way to determine the expected duration is through a consultation with an experienced orthodontist. They will assess your needs and provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to achieve optimal results efficiently.

    Benefits of Self-Ligating Braces

    Reduce Friction

    One of the primary advantages of self-ligating braces is their ability to reduce friction during the orthodontic process. Traditional braces, with their reliance on elastic bands, can generate friction between the archwire and brackets, impeding the movement of teeth. Self-ligating braces minimize this friction, allowing for smoother and more predictable tooth movement.

    Faster Treatment Time

    The sliding mechanism of self-ligating braces is pivotal in expediting the treatment process. By eliminating the need for manual adjustments with elastic bands, these braces enable continuous, controlled movement of teeth. The result is a potentially shorter treatment duration than traditional braces, offering patients the prospect of achieving their desired smile more quickly.

    Fewer Appointments

    Self-ligating braces require fewer in-office adjustments than traditional braces. The absence of elastic bands means fewer tightening appointments, reducing patients’ overall time commitment. Patients with busy schedules might encounter the advantages of having fewer visits, as they can enjoy the benefits of orthodontic treatment with fewer disruptions to their daily lives.

    Enhanced Comfort

    Say goodbye to the discomfort often associated with traditional braces. Self-ligating braces eliminate the need for elastic bands and metal ties, reducing friction and pressure on teeth. This can result in a more comfortable experience throughout treatment, making it easier for patients to adapt to their orthodontic appliances.

    Discreet Appearance

    Self-ligating braces offer a discreet option for patients concerned about the aesthetics of braces. Ceramic self-ligating braces, which share the same innovative features as their metal counterparts, blend in with the natural color of teeth. This provides a visually appealing alternative for patients seeking a more inconspicuous orthodontic solution.

    What to Expect During Treatment

    Taking the first step on the quest for orthodontic treatment with self-ligating braces involves several vital aspects. Initially, patients may experience some discomfort as their teeth adjust to the presence of the braces. This discomfort is temporary; patients can manage it with over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax to alleviate any irritation.

    Also, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial throughout the treatment process. Regular brushing and flossing, along with attending scheduled check-ups with your orthodontist, will contribute to the overall success of your treatment. With self-ligating braces, the absence of elastic bands simplifies oral hygiene practices, making it easier for patients to keep their teeth and braces clean.

    It’s essential to follow your orthodontist’s instructions regarding dietary restrictions to prevent damage to the braces. While the design of the self-ligating brace stands for durability, avoiding certain foods and habits can help ensure a smooth and efficient treatment transition.

    Finding Self-Ligating Braces Near You

    Choosing the right orthodontist is a crucial step in your decision to have a beautiful smile with self-ligating braces. To find a reputable orthodontist offering self-ligating braces near you, consider the following tips:

    Research and Reviews

    • Utilize online resources to research orthodontists in your area.
    • Read reviews from other patients who have undergone treatment with self-ligating braces.
    • Look for testimonials that highlight the orthodontist’s expertise and patient satisfaction.

    Ask for Recommendations

    • Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues with orthodontic treatment experience.
    • Your general dentist may also provide valuable insights and referrals.


    • Schedule consultations with potential orthodontists to discuss your specific needs and expectations.
    • Inquire about their experience with self-ligating braces and their approach to personalized treatment plans.

    Office Atmosphere

    • Visit the orthodontic offices to understand the atmosphere and overall environment.
    • A welcoming and professional setting can contribute to a positive treatment experience.

    Technology and Facilities

    • Inquire about the orthodontist’s use of advanced technology and the quality of their facilities.
    • Modern equipment and facilities indicate a commitment to providing the latest and best in orthodontic care.

    By finding a qualified and experienced orthodontist, you set the foundation for a successful orthodontic treatment with self-ligating braces. Your orthodontist will guide you through each step, ensuring you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

    Self-ligating braces represent a significant advancement in orthodontic care, offering patients a range of benefits that contribute to a more efficient, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing treatment experience.

    Understanding the concept behind self-ligating braces, the potential treatment duration, and what to expect during the process empowers interested patients to make informed decisions about their orthodontic transition. As you explore the possibilities of self-ligating braces, remember that consulting with a qualified orthodontist is the key to achieving the best results for your unique needs.

    Your Best Smile With Self-Ligating Braces Orthodontics!

    As you engage in a radiant smile with Damon’s self-ligating bracket braces, the benefits are clear: reduced friction, faster treatment, fewer appointments, enhanced comfort, and discreet appearance. To ensure your personalized path to orthodontic success, consult with our experienced team at Sturbridge Orthodontics.

    Book your appointment today to unravel the answer to the age-old question: “If I get braces, how long do I have to wear them?” Our skilled orthodontists will guide you through a tailored treatment plan, leveraging the efficiency of self-ligating braces for optimal results.

    Don’t just dream of a perfect smile—make it a reality with Sturbridge Orthodontics. Schedule your consultation now, and let us redefine your orthodontic experience. Your journey to a confident and beautiful smile starts here!

    Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment For Overbites: Why Do Some Kids Need Dental Braces Twice?

    Ensuring the optimal development of a child’s oral health is a concern for every parent. If left unaddressed, overbites and jaw misalignments can lead to cosmetic concerns and functional and health-related issues. Two-phase orthodontic treatment has emerged as a proactive approach to tackle such concerns in children. This comprehensive article aims to shed light on the significance of addressing overbites and jaw issues in children and delves into the specifics of two-phase orthodontic treatment, exploring the reasons why some kids may require dental braces twice.

    Sturbridge Two-Phase Treatment: What Is Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment?

    Sturbridge Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a strategic approach. Orthodontic specialists address orthodontic issues in two stages, with each phase serving specific purposes. This proactive method is particularly beneficial when an orthodontist deals with developing dental and facial structures in children. The Sturbridge Two-Phase Treatment emphasizes a personalized and comprehensive approach to guide the growth of the jaw and ensure the proper alignment of teeth.

    Phase-One Orthodontics: Building the Cornerstone for Your Child’s Healthy Smile

    In Phase-One Orthodontics, which typically begins when your child is between 7 to 9 years old, we leverage a unique window of opportunity when their jaw is still malleable and responsive. Scientifically, this early phase aligns with a developmental stage where the jaw exhibits increased adaptability to orthodontic interventions.

    At this juncture, our primary objective is to address potential orthodontic issues before they solidify, taking advantage of the jaw’s pliability. This phase becomes crucial as we lay the foundation for a healthy, aesthetically pleasing smile that will endure over time.

    Orthodontists comprehensively address concerns such as overbites, crowding, spacing, and misalignments during Phase One Orthodontics. By intervening early, we can guide the natural growth of your child’s jaw, capitalizing on its responsiveness to orthodontic adjustments. The malleability of the jaw during this stage allows specialists to more effectively correct issues, potentially minimizing the need for extensive treatment in the future.

    This early intervention by an orthodontic specialist promotes a structurally sound oral foundation and aids young patients in preventing the entrenchment of orthodontic problems. The adaptability of the jaw during Phase One Orthodontics sets the stage for the optimal alignment of permanent teeth, contributing to a seamless transition into Phase Two of treatment.

    In essence, Phase One Orthodontics is a strategic approach. Specialists backed in evidence to capitalize on the specific developmental stage of your child’s jaw. By addressing orthodontic concerns early on, we harness the unique malleability of the jaw to create a solid foundation for a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile that will endure into adulthood.

    Phase Two Orthodontics: Refining Your Child’s Smile to Perfection

    As we transition into Phase Two Orthodontics, usually around the ages of 11 to 13, our focus shifts to the meticulous fine-tuning of your child’s dental alignment and bite. Most of your child’s permanent teeth have emerged at this stage, providing us with a comprehensive canvas to sculpt their smile into its final, harmonious form.

    During Phase Two, our skilled Sturbridge orthodontic team precisely addresses any remaining concerns identified in the initial phase. This may include refining tooth alignment, ensuring optimal spacing, and perfecting the bite for both functional and aesthetic purposes. The orthodontist specialist leverages the foundation established in Phase One and uses a tailored approach, acknowledging the unique characteristics of your child’s dental structure.

    In this stage, the Sturbridge orthodontic specialist provides meticulous attention to detail, aiming for a seamless, functioning, visually pleasing smile. The specialist makes subtle adjustments to ensure that each tooth aligns correctly, improving oral function and long-term stability.

    Sturbridge Phase Two Orthodontics is the culmination of a comprehensive and personalized orthodontic synergy. It marks the final steps for a patient toward achieving an aesthetic standards smile that supports optimal oral health and functionality for years to come. As we refine your child’s smile to perfection, we are dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of their dental alignment contributes to a confident and healthy future.

    Why Do Some Kids Need Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment?

    Correcting Overbites

    Overbites, where the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively, are common orthodontic issues in children. Sturbridge Orthodontists often take advantage of two-phase orthodontic treatment to correct overbites early, preventing more severe complications in the future.

    The Effects of Overbites on Speech, Chewing, and Jaw Pain

    Untreated overbites can lead to speech impediments; children would experience difficulty in chewing food properly and even jaw pain. Sturbridge Orthodontic specialists address these issues during the early stages of development, ensuring that a child can speak, eat, and experience normal jaw function without discomfort.

    Guiding the Growth of the Jaw

    The first phase of two-phase orthodontic treatment is crucial as the specialist guides the growth of the jaw. By intervening during the developmental phase, orthodontists can influence the direction of jaw growth, reducing the likelihood of more complicated issues in the future.

    Preventing the Need for Invasive Treatments

    Orthodontists’ early intervention through two-phase treatment can often eliminate the need for more invasive treatments, such as orthognathic surgery, later in life. Specialists nip potential problems in the bud, promoting a more natural and less invasive path to optimal oral health approach.

    Addressing Crowding or Spacing Issues

    An orthodontic specialist effectively manages crowding or spacing problems in a child’s mouth through two-phase orthodontic treatment. Dr. Sabelis creates sufficient space for permanent teeth to emerge in their correct positions. This is crucial for a well-aligned and aesthetically pleasing smile.

    Avoiding Tooth Extractions and Complex Orthodontic Issues

    Overbites and other orthodontic issues may sometimes lead a specialist to recommend a tooth extraction. In this regard, Dr. Sabelis’s work with two-phase treatment aims to eliminate the need for such measures by proactively addressing and correcting problems before they escalate to a point where extractions become necessary.

    Benefits of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment

    Early Intervention for Long-Term Prevention

    One of the key advantages of two-phase orthodontic treatment is the emphasis on early intervention. Early intervention helps an orthodontic specialist identify and address orthodontic issues during the early stages of development, reducing the overall treatment duration and minimizing the likelihood of complications.

    Focus On Jaw and Bite Issues in the First Phase

    The initial phase allows orthodontists to focus on guiding the growth of the jaw and addressing foundational issues. Orthodontists use this proactive approach to set the stage for a more successful second phase, ensuring that the permanent teeth align correctly.

    Reduction in the Need for Invasive Treatments

    Dr. Sabelis addresses orthodontic concerns early on with a two-phase treatment approach in kids, often reducing the need for more invasive and complex treatments in the future. The specialist’s idea is to minimize the physical impact on the young patient and provide a more cost-effective and efficient orthodontic passage for parents.

    Improvements in the Appearance and Function of Teeth and Jaw

    Perhaps the most visible benefit is the specialist work improving the appearance of a child’s smile. Beyond aesthetics, the orthodontist’s articulation of two-phase treatment enhances the functionality of the teeth and jaw, promoting optimal oral health and overall well-being.

    Continue Your Child’s Journey to a Confident Smile

    We have delved into the significance of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment; now you might wonder, “Are Phase Two braces really necessary?” The answer lies in the specialist’s proactive approach of refining your child’s dental alignment during their developmental stages. Dr. Sabelis provides comprehensive treatment with effective intervention for common malocclusion, including overbites.

    Understanding the importance of early intervention is key for parents. As we have stated, addressing orthodontic concerns in Phase One sets the groundwork, minimizing the need for more invasive treatments later. The question of “Why do some kids need dental braces twice?” finds its solution in this strategic methodology.

    Now, take the next step. Consult with our expert orthodontists, Dr. Sabelis and Dr. Tiberii, at Sturbridge Orthodontics to discuss tailored treatment options for your child. Early assessment and intervention ensure a beautiful smile, optimal oral health, and bite functionality.

    Schedule a visit today and empower your child with a confident and lasting smile. Let Sturbridge Orthodontics guide your child’s adventure to a future full of self-assurance and dental well-being.

    Braces with Missing Teeth: Discover an Adorned Smile After Orthodontic Treatment

    Sturbridge Orthodontic treatment is constantly evolving and creating new ways to address all kinds of dental issues. This means that every patient has the opportunity to achieve the smile of their dreams, even if they are missing a few teeth. In these cases, orthodontists will prepare their patients to fix the alignment of the remaining teeth and plan for the eventual replacement of the missing teeth.

    Once orthodontic care is over, some patients consider cosmetic dentistry. A new popular trend involves adorning teeth with little diamonds to make their smile shine brighter! In this article, we will explain how orthodontic treatment addresses cases of missing teeth and everything patients need to know about dental jewelry.

    Orthodontic Braces with Missing Teeth

    Have you ever wondered if you can get braces when you have a few missing teeth? Well, the answer is yes! Orthodontic braces remain an excellent option for patients with spaces between their teeth. You first need to book an appointment with an orthodontist, who will create a treatment plan for you.

    Then, your orthodontist will focus on moving the remaining teeth to their proper positions using orthodontic appliances. This process improves the alignment and spacing of the existing teeth, preparing the mouth for potential tooth replacement.

    Once the teeth are in their correct position, you can explore options for replacing the missing teeth. Your dental professional might recommend dental implants, bridges, or partial dentures. These prosthetic solutions will fill the spaces left by the missing teeth.

    How Do Braces Work with Missing Teeth?

    The biomechanics behind orthodontic appliances, such as metal braces or clear aligners, are very interesting. The braces exert gentle but consistent pressure on your teeth, slowly moving them into their ideal positions over time. But what happens when you are missing teeth?

    Well, orthodontists have two approaches to address this situation. The first option is to close the gaps left by the missing teeth through precise adjustments and tightening the wires. Consequently, the teeth gradually move closer together until they eliminate the spaces.

    The second option is installing braces to move the teeth while preparing the empty spaces for future dental work, such as implants or bridges. The orthodontic appliances will create the proper space to ensure the new teeth fit perfectly within your smile.

    In exceptional cases, patients go beyond getting implants or bridges and get a personalized “diamond teeth” option. Usually, dental professionals don’t recommend this option due to potential hygiene concerns. However, we think it is worth talking about this trendy option.

    Diamond-Adorned Teeth After Orthodontics

    After completing orthodontic care, some patients decide to adorn their teeth with diamonds, a popular decoration. This represents a trendy way to add more sparkle to their smile.

    The process of placing these gems into the teeth is pretty safe for oral health. The dental professional uses a specialized, oral-safe adhesive to add the diamonds to the teeth’ surface carefully. Typically, the pieces of diamonds are so small that they won’t interfere with their bite and oral function.

    Are There Any Benefits to Having Diamond Teeth?

    It is important to remember that diamond teeth are a cosmetic choice, and it doesn’t provide any benefits to oral health. However, this form of decoration can be appealing because you can choose to place the little diamonds on any tooth you want. The most common choices are the upper incisors or canines since they are the most visible.

    Are Diamond-Adorned Teeth Safe?

    Yes, dental professionals consider diamond-adorned teeth to be a safe cosmetic option. The process of attaching the diamonds uses a dental adhesive that doesn’t harm the enamel or the tooth’s structure. Although the diamonds shouldn’t damage your teeth, there is a potential risk of plaque buildup around them. So, we recommend maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine that helps you avoid dental issues like tooth decay or gum disease.

    How to Care for Diamond-Adorned Teeth

    Caring for diamond-adorned teeth is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Just make sure you carefully brush and floss your teeth daily; this will prevent plaque buildup and other dental problems. We also recommend that you schedule regular dental check-ups with your dentist to verify that the diamonds are securely attached to your teeth while monitoring your oral health.

    Ready for a Dazzling Smile Makeover? Discover the Magic of Braces Even with Missing Teeth – Book Your Consultation Today!

    If you still have doubts about missing teeth, we have the expertise to address your concerns and provide you with the best orthodontic solution. All you need to do is book your consultation today! At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we will happily answer all your questions and help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.

    Your dental transformation begins with your initial appointment, where you can discuss treatment options with Dr. Sabelis. He offers fixed appliances, such as traditional braces, ceramic braces, and removable aligners like Invisalign. Furthermore, he will ensure that you understand each treatment’s pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

    The Perfect Blend: Teeth Whitening and Orthodontics For a Radiant Transformation

    After undergoing months or years of orthodontic treatment, patients usually expect to enjoy a straighter and whiter smile. While treatment can help you reposition your teeth and jaws, it won’t have an impact on the color of your teeth. So, if you want pearly white teeth, you should consider combining orthodontics with teeth whitening!

    Sturbridge Orthodontics treatment is essential to improve oral health. It goes beyond the aesthetics of having a beautiful smile, affecting the functionality of the mouth and enhancing oral hygiene.

    Nowadays, there are several options to address dental issues, so you can choose between traditional braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners. The purpose of these appliances is to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. Consequently, maintaining a good oral hygiene routine will be easier since straight teeth are easier to clean.

    In addition, orthodontics can improve the functionality of teeth and jaws, fixing dental problems such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites. This could alleviate any discomfort while chewing, eating, or speaking.

    Orthodontic treatment has several benefits for your oral health, from enhancing the aesthetic aspects of a smile to addressing all kinds of dental issues. If you want to enjoy a functional and bright smile, we recommend that you seek professional help. Sturbridge Orthodontists will also help you understand all you need to know about cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening. What are you waiting for to get you a brighter and healthier smile?

    How Will Treatment Affect a Patient’s Lifestyle?

    We assure you that undergoing orthodontic treatment can do wonders for your life! It will not only improve your oral health and function, but also it can have a significant impact on social interactions and the way you perceive yourself. Let’s talk about the ways orthodontics can affect a patient’s lifestyle:

    Improved Aesthetics:

    Of course, one of the benefits of orthodontic treatment is that it will give you properly aligned teeth and a more aesthetically pleasing smile! Well, this can also increase your self-esteem and confidence in social situations since you may feel more comfortable when interacting with other people.

    Enhanced Speech:

    In addition, orthodontics addresses misaligned teeth and jaws that can affect speech, helping patients to have a more adequate diction. As a consequence, you will communicate more effectively. You will no longer experience the self-consciousness that is associated with speech difficulties.

    Compliments or Positive Feedback:

    Just imagine smiling without worrying about misaligned teeth! People will notice your bright and perfectly aligned teeth, and they will tell you all about it. Receiving compliments and positive feedback about your smile can boost your confidence!

    Reduced Self-Consciousness:

    When people are insecure about their teeth, they tend to avoid smiling or covering their mouth when they do. Sturbridge Orthodontics can help address these concerns, allowing patients to smile freely in social interactions.

    If you want to enjoy all of these perks, we recommend that you seek professional help. Orthodontists will help you correct all kinds of dental issues affecting your lifestyle and oral health. After you finish your orthodontic treatment, you will be so happy that you won’t stop smiling!

    Difference Between Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontics

    If you are not sure what are the differences between orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry, here we’ll explain everything you need to know about these two disciplines:

    Cosmetic Dentistry:

    The main purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. This does not necessarily include correcting functional issues. Now, you might be wondering what are the different types of cosmetic dentistry, so here’s a list of them:

    Teeth Whitening:

    This refers to the process where dental professionals remove those yellowish surface stains from your teeth, giving you whiter teeth and a brighter smile.

    Dental Veneers:

    To improve the appearance of your smile, you can ask for veneers. These are thin porcelain shells that go on the surface of your teeth, covering any imperfections and instantly creating a straight smile.

    Dental Bonding:

    Another way to address dental imperfections, such as cracks or gaps, is by applying dental bonding. This refers to the application of a tooth-colored material that can reshape or repair the appearance of the teeth.


    On the other hand, orthodontics focuses on improving oral function and health. This discipline can diagnose and correct misaligned teeth, offering permanent results to orthodontic patients. Now, let’s explore orthodontics treatment options:

    Traditional Braces:

    Traditional braces are a great choice to correct severe cases of dental issues. These appliances gradually move teeth into their proper positions, and you can choose from several options, from metal braces to ceramic braces and wires.

    Clear Aligners:

    Clear aligners are a convenient and comfortable way to address dental problems. They consist of transparent and removable trays that reposition the teeth and jaws.

    Although cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics both focus on dental care, their primary purposes are different.

    Teeth with Braces and Whitening Treatment in Sturbridge

    The combination of braces and teeth whitening can increase your confidence and self-esteem. Since your teeth become straighter and whiter, you are going to feel more comfortable smiling. Especially after your orthodontic treatment is over!

    Remember that orthodontic treatment can help you achieve proper alignment of your teeth and bite. However, it won’t affect the color of your teeth. So, if you want to have a whiter smile, we recommend that you ask for an in-office teeth whitening.

    Can You Whiten Your Teeth While You Have Braces?

    The answer is yes; you can whiten your teeth while undergoing orthodontic treatment in Sturbridge. However, you should understand that many dental professionals recommend that you finish your treatment before thinking about whitening your teeth. This happens because the appliances, like metal brackets and wires, might interrupt the whitening gel, and it will not reach the entire surface of your teeth. As a result, you will have an uneven color on your teeth.

    Consult with your Sturbridge orthodontist and dentist regarding teeth whitening options and timing. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific situation and ensure that you whiten your teeth safely and effectively.

    What Treatments Do Celebrities Undergo to Have White Teeth?

    Have you ever wondered how celebrities have beautiful white smiles? Well, they use a combination of professional treatments that can include in-office teeth whitening and dental veneers. Here are some reasons why celebrities choose these dental procedures:


    As we explained before, veneers are tiny porcelain shells that dental professionals place in the front of the teeth. Many celebrities choose to wear them because they provide an almost immediate transformation of their smiles. Usually, celebrities and patients decide to use veneers once their orthodontic treatment is completed. This way, they can cover all of the small imperfections that they find after they remove their braces.

    In-Office Teeth Whitening:

    Professional teeth whitening is a very effective procedure that consists of applying whitening gel to the teeth, and then the dentist will activate it with a special light. The best moment to have your teeth whitened is after you remove your Sturbridge braces. This happens because when you remove your orthodontic appliances, you might notice tooth discoloration, like white spots. Professional whitening can effectively address this issue, giving you a perfect white smile!

    What Are the Best Teeth Whitening Options?

    To properly understand your teeth whitening options, we recommend that you book an orthodontic appointment. Dental professionals will provide guidance about procedures for whitening your teeth and also diagnose and treat any dental issue you may have. Scheduling an appointment is the first step of your orthodontic journey, and it will help you achieve a more confident smile!

    Contact Our Sturbridge Orthodontics Office For Free Consultation

    The team of Sturbridge Orthodontics is ready to help you achieve the beautiful smile that you deserve. They offer all kinds of orthodontic treatments, but make sure to ask about Invisalign since they are preferred providers. In the practice of Dr. Sabelis, you will find a comfortable and safe environment where they will address your dental issues. So, do not hesitate to ask for an initial appointment!

    How Does the Invisalign Treatment Process Work?

    If you ever dreamed about an orthodontic treatment that could align your teeth conveniently and comfortably, we have good news! It is no longer a dream because Invisalign treatment is already happening. You can say goodbye to the metal appliances and dietary restrictions that come with traditional braces.

    Clear aligners represent a modern solution for old problems, like misaligned bites, crooked teeth, and overcrowded teeth. In addition, you can discreetly address all of these dental issues. Yes, Invisalign is almost invisible due to the transparent material they use in their aligners.

    Now, you might be thinking that this is too good to be true, but there’s more! Clear aligners are also removable, allowing you to take them off on a special occasion or just to enjoy your favorite foods.

    In essence, Invisalign treatment offers patients of different ages all of the benefits we mentioned before. There is no doubt why teenagers and grown-ups ask for this treatment option to begin their orthodontic journey.

    Although Invisalign treatment can manage different issues, there are more severe cases that can benefit from the use of traditional metal braces. You must consult with an experienced orthodontist if you are eligible for clear aligners.

    How Does Invisalign Work?

    Invisalign treatment has the ability to gradually move teeth into their proper positions using a series of clear aligner trays. These trays are transparent, comfortable, and customized for each patient’s dental structure.

    But how do these aligners work? Well, Invisalign uses controlled force to transform a smile. Each set of aligners exerts gentle pressure on specific teeth, slowly adjusting them into their new positions. The goal is that the patient smoothly transitions from one series of aligners to the next while the teeth respond to force distribution.

    Does Invisalign Treatment Work?

    Absolutely! Invisalign is a popular choice of orthodontic treatment due to its effectiveness in correcting all kinds of malocclusions.

    Clear aligner’s popularity is increasing, not only in the United States but in the whole world. You could even get similar results to traditional braces in a shorter time. Of course, this depends on your specific case and its complexity.

    It is important to remember that Invisalign works better for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as aligning the jaws, fixing crowded teeth, and closing gaps between teeth. On the other hand, complex cases may still require traditional braces.

    How Long Does One Have To Wear Invisalign?

    The duration of treatment depends on several factors, which might include the severity of the orthodontic problems that it needs to address and the patient’s compliance. On average, the duration of treatment goes from 12 to 18 months. There are cases where patients can complete their treatment in 6 six months, while more complex situations may take longer, like a couple of years.

    Although the time of treatment varies based on the complexity of the case, some patients might start seeing small changes within a few months. In addition, Invisalign can sometimes provide faster results if you compare it to traditional braces.

    To get more detailed information about the duration of treatment with clear aligners, you should consult with a dental professional, who will explain the process step by step.

    What to Expect From the Invisalign Process?

    Invisalign treatment is an easy and effective process to achieve a perfect smile. Even though clear aligners offer several benefits, you will need to make some efforts and compromises. For instance, you will have the responsibility of attending regular appointments with your orthodontist.

    Initial Consultation:

    On your first meeting, the orthodontist is going to ask you a few questions about your expectations and dental goals. The next step is to evaluate your dental situation in order to determine if you can benefit from the Invisalign treatment.

    3D Scanning:

    Once they determine if clear aligners are the best course of action, they will create a 3D model of your denture. In order to design the model of your mouth, they will use intraoral scanning, which captures a detailed image of your whole mouth, including teeth and gums. This technology is better than the traditional impressions involving molds because it helps create a precise representation of your dental structure.

    Fitting and Wearing the Aligners:

    After the examination process, your orthodontist will create a treatment plan that adjusts to your specific needs. Once your aligners are ready, you can start with your treatment. The orthodontist will provide your set of aligners; these are designed to make small adjustments to the alignment of your teeth.

    Every two weeks, you should receive a new series of aligners, depending on your orthodontist’s observations. Remember that the recommended time for wearing your aligners is 20 to 22 hours per day. This gives you a couple of hours to eat, drink, and clean your teeth.

    Transitioning to a Retainer:

    After you finish wearing all of the series of aligners, you should have a healthy and beautiful smile. If you want to maintain the result, your orthodontist will likely recommend the use of retainers.

    Mastering your Smile Transformation:

    Now that we know how Invisalign works and what to expect from the treatment, we can discuss some recommendations that you can follow to achieve the best results:

    Customize with Stickables:

    Invisalign Stickables refers to decorative stickers that can be attached to your transparent trays. Certainly, this will not make your appliances very discreet, but it is a fun feature that can be attractive for kids and teenagers.

    Keep Your Aligners Clean:

    To keep your aligners clean, you should use water or a cleaning product that your orthodontist recommended. You need to avoid using toothpaste because it can be abrasive and damage your aligners.

    Deal with Emergencies:

    Accidents can happen to anyone, so you should be prepared for these unfortunate circumstances. For instance, you can lose your appliances, or an aligner can get damaged. In any of these cases, reach out to your orthodontist as soon as you can. They will provide guidance on what to do next.

    Manage Pain:

    If you are feeling a little bit of pain or discomfort, don’t worry! It means that your clear aligners are doing their job, slowly moving your teeth to their new positions. We recommend that you ask your orthodontist if you can take pain relievers like ibuprofen.

    What to Eat with Invisalign:

    Since Invisalign is removable, you can enjoy all kinds of food without damaging your appliances. However, we recommend that you choose soft foods, especially in the first days of using your set of aligners, because your mouth can be a little sensitive.

    Exploring the Invisalign Journey: Schedule your Orthodontic Appointment!

    At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we believe that you are never too old to start your orthodontic journey! So, don’t hesitate and book your dental appointment today!

    Nowadays, there is a wide variety of orthodontic treatments that can suit your lifestyle. If you are looking for a traditional and effective solution, we can offer you metal braces. On the other hand, if you need a more discreet and comfortable method, then Invisalign is designed for you.

    We are sure that with the right assistance, you can find the perfect orthodontic treatment that will suit your lifestyle. All you need to do is make an initial appointment with a dental professional who will examine your dental structure, carefully diagnose your issues, and create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

    Remember that orthodontic treatment goes beyond the aesthetics of enjoying a perfectly aligned smile. For instance, your dental cleaning routine will simplify once you have aligned teeth, preventing several dental issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or infections.

    Dr. Ferdinand Sabelis is happy to help kids, teenagers, and adults to improve their oral health while they also achieve a perfect smile!

    The Magic of Sticky Smiles: All You Need to Know About Invisalign Stickables

    Did you know that orthodontic aligners represent a unique opportunity to unlock your full smile potential? You can think of orthodontic treatment as a magical transformation where you address all kinds of dental issues, such as crooked teeth and jaw irregularities. Beyond aesthetics, this process can help improve your oral health.

    If you want to achieve dental perfection, make sure to consult an orthodontist, so you can start planning your Sturbridge orthodontic treatment!

    What Is Invisalign Teens?

    Invisalign is constantly incorporating new technologies or creative elements to make orthodontic treatment as comfortable as possible. As a consequence, they introduced Invisalign First, a specific line that addresses children’s dental health and offers several features, such as Compliance Indicators, Eruption Tabs, and Invisalign Stickables. Let’s explore this further:

    Compliance Indicators:

    These are small blue dots located on the aligners that change color when worn properly. It’s a gentle reminder for kids to wear their aligners for the recommended duration. This way, Invisalign encourages them to stay on track and get the desired outcome.

    Eruption Tabs:

    Eruption Tabs guide the teeth into a proper alignment and provide them with the necessary space when a child’s permanent teeth start to emerge.

    Invisalign Stickables:

    These refer to colorful and fun stickers that can be applied to the aligners; this way, children get to personalize their treatment. Now that you heard of Invisalign Stickables, you can help your kids personalize their smiles!

    What Are Invisalign Stickables?

    Invisalign Stickables are colorful, customizable, and fun accessories that you can apply to your Invisalign aligners. They are usually an option for children to personalize their orthodontic treatment and make it more enjoyable.

    They can choose from a wide variety of designs, patterns, colors, and basic shapes. In addition, the stickers are available in several themes, so everyone can reflect their personality or interest through their smile.

    The best part is that the Stickables safe to use with Invisalign aligners and are specifically made to adhere to the aligner surface without causing any damage or leaving residue.

    How to Apply Your Stickables

    If you are wondering how to use Invisalign Stickables, you can read these instructions:

    1. Clean your aligners:

    Before the sticker application, it is important to clean and dry your aligners. Always help your kid with this step.

    2. Choose your Stickable:

    The next step is to select the designs you want to apply to your aligners. Children love to get involved in this part.

    3. Peel off the Stickable:

    Now it’s time to peel the sticker from its backing. Be careful so you don’t damage or tear the sticker.

    4. Apply the Stickable to your aligner:

    Before pressing the stickers onto the surface, take your time to position them according to the outcome you are looking for. Then, carefully press the stickers, ensuring it adheres securely.

    5. Smooth out any air bubbles:

    To smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles, you can use a soft cloth; it is recommended to start from the center and move outward.

    To apply several Stickables to your orthodontic treatments, you can repeat these steps. It’s fun to be creative and combine different designs to personalize your clear aligners.

    Can I Put Stickers on My Invisalign Case?

    The Invisalign case is designed to protect and store your aligners safely, avoiding introducing bacteria to your mouth or losing your aligners.

    If you are wondering if you can decorate your case with stickers, the answer is yes. This case is a personal item, and you are free to customize it to your liking. Adding stickers can help you personalize your case and make it more unique and easily recognizable.

    Let your kid choose the stickers or decorations they want to put on the outside of their Invisalign case so the treatment can also be a fun process.

    Are There Rock Stickers?

    Of course! There are several theme stickers available that you can use to personalize your aligners. These include rock theme stickers that can help you represent your love for rock music, such as guitar stickers or letters that spell the word ROCK. But remember, the sticker designs may vary depending on availability.

    The world of Invisalign Stickables is constantly evolving and introducing new designs and collections. So keep an eye out for other rock-related designs that you can use to personalize your aligners even further.

    Personalize your Smile

    Sturbridge Orthodontics is evolving and improving the patients’ experience with several features, for instance, the fact that Align Technology includes Invisalign Stickables now, the kid’s favorite feature.

    You can apply these colorful stickers to make your process more enjoyable while you express your personality and customize your smile with Invisalign Stickables.

    If you want to explore the possibilities of transforming your smile with Align Technology’s innovative solutions, we encourage you to set up an appointment with a certified Invisalign provider. This is exactly what you will find in Sturbridge Orthodontics. Dr. Sabelis is an expert in the Invisalign system and can give you a healthy and beautiful smile.